- 로얄알버트홀에서 열린 BBC 프롬에서 베토벤의 교향곡 9번을 듣는데 눈에 눈물이 맺혔다. 베토벤이라는 천재 작곡가가 200년이 지난 지금에도 우리에게 감동을 주고, 우리가 평소에 듣던 요즘 시대 노래의 멜로디가 이 교향곡에서 차용된 것이 얼마나 많은지에 대한 놀라움. 엄청난 규모의 합창단의 스케일과 관악기가 뿜어대는 쩌렁거림에 압도당하고. 한치에 실수 없이, 적어도 내가 느끼기에는, 70분을 연주하는 연주자 그리고 마라톤 선수같이 땀이 흐르는 지휘자. 그리고 그 동안 한치의 흐트럼 없이 서서 그 공연을 보는 관객들. 과거와 현재가 모두 이곳에서 만나 하나로 어울리는 조화의 시간이었다.
- About Symphony No.9
- From Wiki :
The Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125 (also known as "the Choral"), is Ludwig van Beethoven's final complete symphony. Completed in 1824, the symphony is one of the best-known works in classical music.[1] Among critics, it is almost universally considered Beethoven's greatest work, and many consider it one of the greatest compositions in the western musical canon.[1]
The symphony was the first example of a major composer using voices in a symphony[2] (thus making it a choral symphony). The words are sung during the final movement by four vocal soloists and a chorus. They were taken from the "Ode to Joy", a poem written by Friedrich Schiller in 1785 and revised in 1803, with additions made by the composer. Today, it stands as one of the most played symphonies in the world.
In 2001, Beethoven's autograph score of the Ninth Symphony, held by the Berlin State Library, was added to the United Nations Memory of the World Programme Heritage list, becoming the first musical score so honoured.
- From BBC :
Prom 4 Programme
- Ludwig van Beethoven 1770–1827
- John Woolrich b.1954
- Ludwig van Beethoven 1770–1827
Beethoven’s ‘Choral’ Symphony is a celebration of human endeavour, as is his ballet score The Creatures of Prometheus. Andris Nelsons gives his final concert as Music Director of the CBSO before returning (see Proms 49 and 51) with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, of which became Music Director last season. John Woolrich’s dark, sardonic contra-bassoon concerto was written for the CBSO’s own contra-bassoonist Margaret Cookhorn.
Dmytro Popov, the advertised tenor, has had to withdraw. The BBC Proms is very grateful to Pavel Černoch for taking his place at short notice.