공부하기 썸네일형 리스트형 Facebook Leads an Effort to Lower Barriers to Internet Access Facebook Leads an Effort to Lower Barriers to Internet AccessBy VINDU GOEL MENLO PARK, Calif. — About one of every seven people in the world uses Facebook. Now, Mark Zuckerberg, its co-founder and chief executive, wants to make a play for the rest — including the four billion or so who lack Internet access.On Wednesday, Facebook announced an effort aimed at drastically cutting the cost of delive.. 더보기 Creative City How to create a creative city? The viewpoints of Richard Florida and Jane Jacobs Gert-Jan Hospers and Roy van Dalm Gert-Jan Hospers is an assistant professor in economics and strategy at the University of Twente, The Netherlands (E-mail: g.j.hospers@utwente.nl). Roy van Dalm is the Dutch agent of the Richard Florida Creativity Group (E-mail: roy.van.dalm@inter.nl.net). Purpose This paper aims to.. 더보기 A.Philip Randolph - Great leader of Black workers While I study GMAT, I realize that every topic in the passages and questions is new to me. Sometimes the situation is a disaster to me, because I have to overcome not only the language problem but also the background information which the passages deliver. However, sometimes I am finding a pearl in the ocean; especially American history is a very interesting topic for me, and delights me very mu.. 더보기 [Economist] Japan's master plan Source : The Economist. May 18th 2013 Shinzo Abe has a vision of prosperous and patriotic Japan. The economics looks better than the nationalism When Shinzo Abe resigned after just a year as prime minister, in September 2007, he was derided by voters, broken by chronic illness, and dogged by the ineptitude that has been the bane of so many recent Japanese leaders. Today, not yet five months into.. 더보기 일자목 방지 운동 목이 아파서 병원을 다녀왔는데, 일자목 증상이 있단다.... 회사에서 자세 좋기로 소문난 나였는데, 이런 증상이 있다니... 생각해보니, 하루에 2/3 이상을 노트북에 스마트폰, 아이패드, 책보기 등등 하루 종일 고개를 숙이고 있으니 자세 좋아도 일자목이 안 생길 수 없지... 아무튼... 진단 받고 나니 더 아픈거 같고, 일자목 증상에 급 관심이 가게 됐다. 네이버 블로그에서 찾은 女의사님의 친절한 설명... 시간날때마다 보면서 운동해야지... http://blog.naver.com/creativemd/120165250876 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음